What is KiddoHealth.in:
KiddoHealth is an application that helps parents keep track of the vaccination needs
of their children. It keeps a track of the same by giving scheduled reminders on
the registered mobile number of the parents by way of SMS. These SMS are sent a
day in advance of the due date of the vaccine . A vaccination calendar gets generated
for each child registered on parent’s id. This keeps a parent free from keeping
manual records of the vaccination records of one’s child that are hitherto being
kept in the traditional system The child can be registered either by the parent,
doctor or the hospital and record updated at any end gets updated on the registered
id of the user . Thus, Vaccination records are Digitised.
How do Parents get benefitted?:
They get benefitted as they get scheduled reminders on the due dates of vaccines
due to the registered child on their id. The benefit is seen when the complete records
of the due dates and the dates when the vaccines were provided are available on
their mobile phones.
It thus helps a parent by reminding him of the various dates when he has to visit
a paediatrician or a health centre to administer the vaccines to the kiddo.
Vaccination Schedule:
Enter DOB of the child anytime and get a schedule of the various
vaccines along with the dates when they fall due. The vaccination schedule so generated
is as per the latest IAP recommendations.